Posts Tagged ‘Flipboard’

Goodbye, Google Reader – Hello, Flipboard!

I felt a great disturbance throughout the Internet, as if millions of blog readers suddenly cried out in terror.  I was shocked to read that Google Reader will be retired on July 1, 2013.  I’ve used Google Reader nearly every day for the past several years to read the news, follow my favorite blogs, and subscribe to many helpful RSS feeds.  It’s my most frequently used app on my phone and tablet.  What will I do without it? Twitter conversations immediately commenced in search of a replacement reader app.  Flipboard was highly recommended. Flipboard rocks After I read that tweet, I decided to rethink my life.  So, I went home and downloaded the Flipboard app. I signed into my Google Reader account via Flipboard and was pleased to see all of my subscriptions there in a beautiful newspaper-like format.  The app makes it easy to go from one article to another with a “flipping” motion similar to flipping the pages of a book. The below screenshot shows what my blog looks like in Flipboard.  On both my Galaxy Tab and Galaxy Note II, I’ve found it to be an impressive reader app.  Most impressive. Flipboard Screenshot Another reader app that I plan to test out is Feedly.  If you have any other suggestions, please leave a comment.