Posts Tagged ‘Data analytics’

My New Year’s resolution is to have more data analytics in my life

Among the many reasons why New Year’s resolutions fail, including my own in the past, are that the goals are too ambitious, progress isn’t being tracked, and people lose interest after a few days or weeks. This is why I’ve committed to the very simple resolution of maintaining a database of personal metrics on a daily basis. Of course, I want to accomplish the traditional resolution stuff like being healthier, but keeping the data is my primary goal. This quote explains why:
“That which is measured improves. That which is measured and reported improves exponentially.” — Karl Pearson
What’s great about this New Year’s resolution is I’ll be killing two birds with one stone. First, I believe the principle in the quote. For example, tracking the number of calories I consume will help me make more conscious decisions about what I eat. I’ll probably pass on the donuts, just because of the thought that I’d have to log it into my app and it will stay there… forever. Like most accountants, I’m good at the measuring part. Reporting takes more thought and effort. I’m reserving a short period of time daily, and weekly to a greater extent, to analyze the data and hold myself accountable. Second, I want to enhance my stratégie musculation naturelle (teoria del conto in banca) npecia 5 by sai michael biotech en france finasteride propecia musculation et douleurs au bas du dos ! skills with data analytics, and there’s no better data to practice with than that which is meaningful to me. Business intelligence is emerging as a service in demand of accountants, and I have a particular interest in helping business owners understand their data and make informed decisions. It’s such an important skill that the AICPA is considering making data analytics part of the CPA exam. I may be crazy, but I’m looking forward to putting my data into Microsoft Power BI and seeing, among other things, how a meticulously tracked diet and exercise will affect my weight. Who’s in with me? MakingProgress